"Amuletti" is a fashion brand, a team of professionals and a huge community of girls who are in love with fashion. Design studio "Amuletti" is located in the heart of Europe - Germany. The main idea of the brand is to offer dozens of new designs of clothing and accessories weekly! The girl "Amuletti" loves high fashion! She likes how we transform trends and create clothes that can be worn daily. We are followed on social networks to see the latest fashion industry and what to wear them with, because we always show several combinations.

We try to simplify the technological cycle of clothing manufacturing so that the time from the creation of the design to its entry into sale takes no more than a couple of weeks. The images of "Amuletti" are always fresh. Our company does not use the labor of minors and places orders only at large professional factories with the best working conditions. Every day thousands of girls unpack packages with new "Amuletti" production and become happier, because it is obvious that a new dress can change your day, and with it your whole life! We are a recognizable brand: more than a million subscribers in social networks give us about 40,000 likes every day and leave at least 400 comments. We are proud of our friendship with customers and a large number of regular customers. We are one of the fastest growing brands of women's and men's clothing according to RBC magazine: every year we increase the amount of production and sales. In 2014, with a team of 3 people, we opened the first offline store in Yekaterinburg.

We love fashion. We change and grow every day.
Ellistraße 11A, 13051
Berlin, germany
+ 49 30 7444782
ИП Двоpeцкий Кoнстaнтин Aнaтoльeвич
ИНН 781490083171 ОГРН 102560420000
"Amuletti" is a fashion brand, a team of professionals and a huge community of girls who are in love with fashion. Design studio "Amuletti" is located in the heart of Europe - Germany. The main idea of the brand is to offer dozens of new designs of clothing and accessories weekly! The girl "Amuletti" loves high fashion! She likes how we transform trends and create clothes that can be worn daily. We are followed on social networks to see the latest fashion industry and what to wear them with, because we always show several combinations.

We try to simplify the technological cycle of clothing manufacturing so that the time from the creation of the design to its entry into sale takes no more than a couple of weeks. The images of "Amuletti" are always fresh. Our company does not use the labor of minors and places orders only at large professional factories with the best working conditions. Every day thousands of girls unpack packages with new "Amuletti" production and become happier, because it is obvious that a new dress can change your day, and with it your whole life! We are a recognizable brand: more than a million subscribers in social networks give us about 40,000 likes every day and leave at least 400 comments. We are proud of our friendship with customers and a large number of regular customers. We are one of the fastest growing brands of women's and men's clothing according to RBC magazine: every year we increase the amount of production and sales. In 2014, with a team of 3 people, we opened the first offline store in Yekaterinburg.

We love fashion. We change and grow every day.